IT Connect Pro provides a proven formula that drives businesses forward.

Through our collaborative process, we equip our clients with the knowledge, efficiency, and IT strategy that accelerates success.

Our clients come to IT Connect Pro because they are

experiencing the following:

  1. A lack of IT strategy, budget planning, vision, and leadership

2. A diminishing level of responsiveness and IT issue resolution

3. A distributed workforce that is struggling to be efficient

4. An awareness that they have grown out of the current IT service provider’s capabilities

5. The realization that IT Security should become a bigger priority

6. A slowdown in their operational maturity

7. A need to receive IT support 24/7 and support for international offices

8. A need for IT leadership and accountability

9. A requirement to become compliant with a regulatory organization

10. A lack of IT documentation, processes, and procedures

Our clients look to us to remove barriers for their success. It’s our job to understand where our clients want to be, not just where they are today.

We’re here to help develop your business in ways you may not have thought possible.

Vision and IT Strategy

IT Connect Pro’s Technical Account Managers and Project Team have decades of experience guiding, designing, and implementing best-in-class solutions for companies of all sizes. Our IT Roadmaps provide clarity, strategy, and a clear vision for your organization.

Responsive and Results-Oriented

IT Connect Pro’s fully staffed Service Desk Team is available to answer our clients’ calls. Being a data-driven company, we ensure resource allocation is abundant. Multiple touchpoints are in place to deliver a timely and comprehensive resolution.

Your Distributed Workforce

With the rise of work-from-home employees, IT Connect Pro designs and supports IT environments so that your team can work anywhere and anytime in a secure manner. Our 24/7 Service Desk supports your teams’ working hour needs.

Depth of Experience

A team within a team. Amongst our large group of veteran IT professionals, we assign an integrated group of highly experienced experts specific to your needs. It’s like having your own, specialized IT department.

IT Security

We build a layered, security architecture that evolves and stays one step ahead of the ever-changing threats and risks. We create technology environments that are precisely what our clients need. It’s never a compromised solution that is easier for us.

Operational Maturity

Customized to your company’s growth projections and business goals, we implement processes, procedures, tools, systems, leadership, and oversight. This turn-key approach enables the business to scale by increasing efficiency and security.

World-Class 24/7 Support

Your team wants to work anywhere, anytime. We make that happen. Our personable and highly trained Service Desk Team supports your company around the globe, through any time zone.

Unparalleled IT Leadership and Accountability

Your dedicated Technical Account Manager, Project Director, and Senior Engineers lead the implementation of best-in-class solutions for your company. Quarterly Business Review Meetings ensure communication and collaboration remain consistent and timely. Decisions are made in real-time with factual information.

Compliance and Best-Practice Standards

IT Connect Pro collaborates with you to design and implement the appropriate tools and systems, processes, and procedures that will drive your business to a best-practice standard. Compliance and other industry requirements are achieved through leadership, risk assessment, controls, training, oversight, and consistent communication.

IT Documentation: A key to our success.

Using unparalleled documentation procedures, we create your organization’s ultimate technology handbook. This collection of information facilitates data-driven decisions with optimal results.