Cloud Solutions

Building an IT infrastructure is complicated. It comes at a cost and one that often comes with a substantial upfront investment as well as those associated with ongoing upgrades and maintenance. Support of that infrastructure can require hard-to-find and expensive staff positions that increase your headcount or take time from other work roles who “pitch in” on IT when it may not be their strongest skill set. “As-a-service”, cloud-hosted IT services can minimize these upfront costs while delivering exactly the solutions you need, with greater security and reliability than you may have been able to achieve on-premise.

Easily configurable, our cloud services allow you to choose a single service or application, multiple services, or a fully hosted solution where all applications, servers, storage, backup and virtual desktops are delivered in the cloud model.

Eliminate the time your staff spends on on-premise networks, servers, and storage, along with the expense associated with on-premise hardware. Our fully hosted and managed resources are tailored to the services required by your business and are delivered from secured and redundant data centers. Systems are managed and maintained by our experienced data center team.